ZAR® 30906 Interior/Exterior Latex Neutral Wood Patch, 1/2 Pt
ZAR® Wood Patch is a ready-to-use latex patching compound containing treated pulverized wood to fill nail holes, repair cracks, gouges, chips, etc., in all types of wood. Special propery allows ZAR® Wood Patch to accept stain more unifomly than other wood fillers.
ZAR® Wood Patch is excellent for many uses because it shrinks less, and may be nailed, sawed, sanded, or drilled. ZAR® Wood Patch will take paint, varnish, shellac, polyurethanes, stains and can be used indoors or outdoors. When a patched area requires stain, ZAR® Wood Patch greatly diminishes the lighter area of “halo” effect surrounding the patch normally present with other wood fillers. ZAR® Wood Patch is neutral in color and non-flammable.
- Size: 1/2 pint
- Repairs nail holes, cracks, gouges and minor blemishes on wood surfaces
- Accepts stain uniformly
- Greatly diminishes the lighter area or “halo” effect surrounding the patch when patch requires a wood stain
- May be sanded, sawed or drilled
- Tintable
Basic Uses:
- Fills: Cracks, dents, holes, gouges, broken edges, and chipped corners.
- Repairs: Toys, patterns, furniture, picture frames, most items made from wood.
- Replaces: Rotted wood-carpentry mistakes.
- Makes: Inlays, models, novelties, carved objects.
Set Time:
- For latex stain or paint: 11/2 – 2 hours
- For oil base stain, paint, varnish, shelac
- Or polyurethane: overnight
Clean Up:
- Cloth dampened with water
Coverage (sq. Ft./Us gal.):
- Up to 56 cu. in./qt.
Spread Rate:
- 56 cu. In./Quart